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Shed shortlisted for our Futures work

We’re delighted to be on the shortlist again for the ICG Independent Consultant Award at the MRS Awards 2022.

This year, we’re being recognised for our work with Futures Housing Group developing their board reporting using systems thinking. There’s more to read on that project here or a webinar if you’d like to know more.

Big thank you to Mel Hughes from Futures Housing for her support, and for initiating such a thoughtful and impactful project.

We’re delighted to be sharing the accolade with fellow finalists and friends of Shed – Konrad Collao from Craft Strategy, Alex Clark from Telltale Research and David Spenser from Direct Dialogue.

If you want to find out more about the work of all four finalists, the ICG is hosting a webinar on 26th January at 11am UK time.

Get in touch

 +44(0) 7980 988 762

Or find us at Wrap, near Brighton station