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What’s really driving NPS?

Jisc provides digital solutions to the UK education sector. It had three years’ worth of customer satisfaction and NPS data on two key audiences; higher education and further education leaders. These are senior people in the UK’s top universities and colleges.

Previous analysis of this large body of data had looked at the main trends; what was up and what was down. But Jisc wanted us to look again at the detail.


  1. What sat behind the NPS scores?
  2. What defined detractors, passives and promoters?
  3. And what opportunities did Jisc have to develop its NPS further?


We brought this all together into two summary presentations. Across both audiences, we identified the seven biggest opportunities for Jisc. We then ran an action-planning workshop to develop ideas based on these opportunities.

Dan understood our needs and responded to feedback. He produced a clear and succinct report with new insights.


Charles Hutchings, Head of Market Research

Client: Jisc

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